How long did it take to finish the adoption?
2 years, 8 months, 1 week, 5 days

Friday, April 25, 2008

What do You Get?

What do you get when you put lawyers and politician's in charge? Easy answer (for just about anything), but in the case of Vietnamese adoptions, a mess.

The following two posts were listed on the US Embassy in Hanoi's
website today.

We are very upset by these posts. When you read these posts, it is from the US Embassy, which makes it sound like the Vietnamese government is totally at fault. That is furthest from the truth. Both governments are equally responsible for the mess they have created.

Please continue to pray for our family.


KellyG said...

I've talked to many people today regarding all the 'warnings'.
Please don't give up!! I believe God has something very special in store for you!! You're time is coming quick!! You're in my prayers!

Anonymous said...

You are in my prayers. I hope you see your child's face soon!
