How long did it take to finish the adoption?
2 years, 8 months, 1 week, 5 days

Thursday, May 22, 2008

He's Right There

(as posted on the RF MediaMinistry Blog)

Last Sunday Pastor Wayde spoke on Fear to Faith. There has been a lot on my heart lately that is challenging my faith. For almost two years and two weeks my family and I have been waiting for the adoption of a little girl from Vietnam. With each passing week I debate myself. Is God truly in this plan? Did we forget about God? Did God forget about us?

In his blog post "Have You Ever Felt Forgotten By God?," Perry Noble said;

God will, at times, allow us to not have the FEELING that we are so close so that our FAITH will be FOUNDED on FACT. The fact is-He's with me (and you) right now. The fact is-when we cry out He hears us. The fact is-every hair on our head is numbered. The fact is-He gathers our tears in a bottle. The fact is-before we experienced the current pain in our lives He KNEW what we were going to go through-and HE'S RIGHT THERE-whether we feel Him or not.

I read that and I am reassured, that I must continue to have faith. Like Abraham, God will form my family in his way and in his time.

Then even as my faith is being challenged I read about every parents fear. The loss of a child.Maria, the five year old daughter of Christian Singer Steven Curtis Chapman, who they adopted from China, was killed on Wednesday when a car driven by the her older brother accientally backed over her. Wait a minute God, I have a five year old girl. She was adopted from Asia. All of sudden, my heart doesn't hurt for me and my situation anymore, it hurts for the Chapmans.

How can they keep the faith? Where was God in this?And then I remember, as Abraham learned, an we all should learn, HE'S RIGHT THERE-whether we feel Him or not.

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