If you have been reading the blog, you know about our constant delays. Then all of a sudden two weeks ago, we were told your leaving on five days, HURRY UP! Then we got here to HCMC, received our Christmas Angel, only to be told that we need to WAIT! five days to make the adoption official at the Giving & Receiving Ceremony. Then all of sudden in one day we needed to HURRY UP! again and complete the G&R, the passport and the medical exam, so that we can fly to Hanoi tomorrow. Talk about your whirlwind. Let's just keep praying there is not another WAIT! in this system. The good news is, she is officially ours.

We got down stairs early for the drive out the Ministry of Justice in the province where we adopted Katelin from. There we saw the director of the orphanage and proceeded to sign everything in triplicate-triplicates. After all of the paperwork had been processed, we signed the big book and the
Minister of Justice had us stand and proceede to hand us the certificate of adoption. For which Katelin and her quick strong hands, quickly grabbed. Luckily it was just a bit wrinkled, but all was OK.
One of the things we did when we adopted Lilli, was take a picture of all the kids sitting on a couch in the lobby. This became known as the "class picture." Well we had to keep the tradition going, so may I present the Valedictorian and tops in her class of December 2009, Lan Xuan Nguyen, now know as Katelin Lan Foster.
We have now finished the Vietnames portion of our trip. S he is officially ours?As soon as we get her passport and health report tomorrow it is off to Hanoi and the US portion of our game. We;ll talk to you soon.

After the G&R, we high taled it back into town where we had to get to
the Passport office and apply for Katelin's passport. It was so close. They stop for lunch at 11:30, and they sometimes will just go to lunch even if you are still waiting. Luckily we got our receipt and were out of there by 11:45. On the trip back, Katelin wanted to sit with Lilli, so Lilli fed her, and pretty soon Katelin was sound asleep in her lap.

After a quick run to the hotel to drop off Lilli and Trina and grab sone lunch, Kristi, Katekin and I headed over to the hospital for Katelins medical check-up. This was the same hopsital that Lilli was checked out of. It had changed a bit in six years. When we here with Lilli we sat on benches outside to with to be called, now we are inside. It is still crazy what and how they do things. She checked fine, and everything is good to go, although if you could ask Kaetlin she would tell you that it was absolutely horrible. As soon as the doctor tried to weigh her, she roared. I mean very loud, and she didn't calm down until she was safely back in moms arms.

We have now finished the Vietnames portion of our trip. S he is officially ours?As soon as we get her passport and health report tomorrow it is off to Hanoi and the US portion of our game. We;ll talk to you soon.
Talk to you tomorrow from Hanoi.
I see a lot of scrapbooking in our future. We will have to set up a time for all of we girls to congregate....Daddy can come too. He will look good putting stickers on pages.
I look forward to seeing all of you.
Aunt Kristen
Congratulations!! Richard, Kristi, and Lilli :) You've waited such a long time for sweet Katelin! It has been wonderful to follow your journey and see the pictures. What interesting memories you're making and will have to share for years to come.
It was my privilege to distribute copies of your December 17 post with staff and attach it to the E-News and Retail Notes. Many did not fully realize the magnitude of what y'all have been grappling with and were delighted with the news. Shannan had your blog up on the computer at the store on Sunday and was quite absorbed in reading the latest. Such fun!! Do take care, enjoy every moment, and we will look to see you ... when you return :)
Affectionately, Vicky
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